* As per Sebi Disclaimer investment are subject to market risk and investor should read offer document to understand underline risks.
* Past performance is historical data and not guarantee of future performance
and any return commitments.
* Correctness of portfolio data is dependent on data received in mailback from the
registrar. This is only indicative data, investors agree to accept the same. Correct
data is provided by mf/registrar by their statement of account which investors
should demand from time to time.
* Any discrepancy in data investor agrees to inform MF Distributor for correction.
Payment for investment are done directly to fund schemes or platforms such as
NSE/Bse/ Mfu. No payment done to MF Distributor in his personal name.
* No fees are paid to MF Distributors for investment directly by investors.
* Mutual Fund Distributor gets commission paid by Asset management companies
(MF). This commission is informed to investors and the same is updated at the
notice board of MF Distributor office.
* Other than transaction charges directly deducted by registrar / Mf in investment
which are paid to Mf distributor, no charges are deductible or payable to Mf Dis
* Incinidental charges such as if any load such as entry or exit load is decided by
MF. Deduction of taxes if any as per prevalent government norms are applicable
for investment
* Selection of product is done as per the risk appetite of the investor which has
been discussed with the Mutual Fund Distributor and agreed herewith.
Nilesh Karkare & Associates
Investment Marketplace
It is an independent portfolio management marketplace with customized financial solutions & maintaining client relationship.
www.nileshkarkare.com is an online website of Nilesh Karkare & Associates who is registered vide ARN-27130 as a AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor since 29.09.2005. Current Validity of ARN is 07.06.2025. The said website is just an electronic presentation of financial planning for self help by investors. This site should not be treated as a financial advisory website as we do not charge for any calculation or results produced here. The website do not guarantees any returns or financial goal success by any means.